Post Race
Once you finish a hot weather run, it is imperative that you cool down quickly. Lowering your body temperature reduces internal stress and shortens recovery time.
Fun ways runners get cold quickly:
Drink ice cold liquids. Always have a cold drink ready for when you finish your run. Cold liquid in your digestive system immediately begins to reduce your core temperature. Never start a hot weather run without a cold beverage ready to drink immediately afterward.
Get into an air conditioned environment immediately. This can be the A/C in your car or your house, gym or office. Just get out of the heat and into a cold environment. Sit in front of a fan so the cold air can move across your hot, sweaty skin. Loads of heat will be removed, and your core temperature will drop quickly.
Another great way to cool down quickly is to get into a pool or cold bath. Immersion in cold water removes heat quickly, and you’ll immediately start to feel better. Just regular cold tap water is enough to help remove heat from your body so run a bath before your run and get into it immediately after. A cold shower works too.
Before you head out for your run, you can put wet towels in an ice chest or a freezer, so when you return from your run, you can wipe down with a cold towel enhancing the removal of heat from your body. Cold towels and ice packs are an easy way to ramp up cooling. Some runners even put clothes in the freezer so when they return from a run, they can put them on to help cool their bodies.
Formerly so expensive only elite runners used them, cooling vests (aka ice vests) are now readily available. Wear these pre-run to lower your temperature and likewise put on an ice vest immediately afterward to cool your body.
Rehydrate ASAP
Immediately after a run, drink at least 12 ounces of ice cold fluids. More is better as a big bolus of liquid triggers the stomach to empty faster and thus get the fluid into the intestines, so it can be transferred to the bloodstream.
Continue to drink till your body weight returns to pre-run levels and you are urinating once every hour or two. This can take several hours depending how dehydrated you are post run.
Did you know that while Gatorade says it’s a “thirst quencher,” it’s actually designed to keep you thirsty so you’ll keep drinking it. When choosing a beverage (or collection of beverages), choose a drink with electrolytes that tastes good. Post-run it’s all about frequent drinking.
Boost Your Rest
Lastly, add extra rest. The heat load is a big challenge to the body so schedule some rest time in the hours after a hot run. Headaches and lethargy are a sure sign you need to literally chill out.
Also, look ahead at your training schedule. Long or intense runs in the heat require at least one more day of recovery before your next big session. When training in the heat, it’s best to add more recovery and increase the time between challenging sessions.
Final Thoughts
Training and racing in the heat is the new normal for many runners. The strategies in this booklet can help optimize your training and racing. Will your performance be compromised by the heat? It’s likely, but these strategies will keep you safe from heat illness and help you get the most from your training and best possible outcome on a hot race day.